The Cost Of Not Running A DBS Check Before A Hire
Recruiting has never been an easy part of business, and recent events have only added to the complexity of the process. With so much uncertainty and so much at stake each step of the way, companies have been pressed to revise their hiring process and adjust to the new normal.
There are many aspects of recruitment that stand to benefit from a thorough reexamination and streamlining, and even some that can be dropped altogether. For instance, procedures such as manual review of every application, in-person interviews, and on-location qualifications testing can be replaced or improved with IT recruitment tools.
However, there are some parts of the recruitment process that companies just can’t afford to skip - and one of the most important steps is to perform DBS checks before hiring. Neglecting that aspect of recruitment can lead to some truly horrendous outcomes - here are just some of the dangers that negligent hiring brings.
You Risk Tarnishing Your Brand
Reputation has always been paramount when it comes to business, and now that everyone has near-unlimited access to relevant information through the Internet, it’s even more crucial. As a company, one of your top concerns should be building up your brand and fostering the image of professionalism, service or product quality, and overall prestige.
With so much pressure put on businesses nowadays, no one can afford to take the reputation hit that comes with the scandal associated with negligent hiring or retention. Bad publicity of this type is extremely harmful to your brand - and it only needs to happen once to tarnish your reputation forever. This is why companies need to do everything in their power to ensure that they hire the right people for the job, which invariably includes performing DBS checks on all applicants.
You can Jeopardize Safety in Your Company
There is a reason why both the state, institutions, other corporations, and citizens alike take such a dim view of negligent hiring and retention. An employee who’s not actually qualified to do their job can do a staggering amount of damage to both the business, its partners, and the business’ clients.
With blue-collar workers, lack of qualifications can result in some horrendous physical damage, if they mishandle some sort of machinery that they can’t use properly. Although the result of botching a white-collar job can be less immediately gruesome and spectacular, the collateral of such a mess-up can threaten the existence of the entire company. What’s even more important, there are bad actors out to defraud companies for their own gain. Performing DBS checks before making a hire is a critical part of weeding such individuals out and preventing them from doing any real harm.
Unqualified Hires can Result in Bottlenecks and Low Productivity
Job applicants regularly fabricating bits of their CVs is a trend that’s been around since forever. About a decade ago, nearly two in every three resumes had a misrepresentation or outright lie in it. Now, it’s about five in every six. Employers need to keep this in mind when considering candidates and be very thorough in their due diligence and DBS checks when adding new workers to the company.
The alternative means that the employer risks hiring people that are unqualified for the job they are going to need to do, and will almost certainly be doing that job to a lower standard. Even if they manage to complete their tasks, they will do so at a reduced rate, which can be a real problem if their efforts are an integral part of the company’s business process.
Morale Drops Can Damage Your Process
No one likes working with colleagues who are bad at their job. This is why in order to prevent worker dissatisfaction from boiling over, the employer needs to make sure that every one of their workers is up to the task. Keeping incompetent workers around can lead to other employees having to pull more than their own weight, which breeds resentment and generally poisons the atmosphere in a company.
Suffice it to say that this is a turn of events that you want to avoid at all costs - not only are dissatisfied workers less productive, but they are also more likely to walk out on you.
Workers Start Quitting
Turnover is a horrendous problem for businesses nowadays. The costs of replacing key workers can be downright staggering - so, companies need to make it their top priority to avoid having to do that. This means that businesses need to perform rigorous checks to make sure every worker they let on board is qualified for the job. Doing so is crucial for preventing bad actors from driving other employees off, quitting themselves, or needing to be fired when it turns out they’re not equal to the job.
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